Sunday 3 August 2014

August TBR

Last month I managed to read a total of 4 books out of the 7 that I had on my July TBR list. Not great but never mind! This month I want to set myself a goal of 5 books. I'll be participating in the Anna Readalong, but obviously will be reading other books more closely!

So which books will I be reading?

Bought: Dangerous Girls, The Sky is Everywhere, Siege and Storm, Throne of Glass and Let's Get Lost

Won: The 100 Society ARC

Not Included: Anna and the French Kiss

I'm really excited about August and am so ready to dive into these books. Despite having to start learning and revising for exams, I'm really hoping to read and finish all these books this month! It's only two books more than what I actually read last month, so I feel this goal is quite realistic! Plus, I'm trying to get ahead of myself on the Good Reads challenge - I'm halfway to my goal of reading 40 books, but I'm still 'behind schedule'. This should hopefully put me in front of schedule (not like I had a schedule anyway)!

What are you guys reading this month? Are there any books on my TBR list that are also on yours? 

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